Empowering the client: Investing & Technology

When we started SWS Partners, we committed to utilizing the most up to date portfolio technology to support our client relationships. We saw this as an opportunity to offer something rare in financial services: transparency. By giving our clients the same access that we have, we remove barriers that previously hid the truth from them. Sometimes it isn’t pretty what they see, but we find that clients relish transparency, especially when their previous financial advisor couldn’t or wouldn’t provide it.


Gone are the days when clients need to rely on their financial advisor to give them basic account information. Instead, by being transparent, we can indulge our client’s intelligence. This, to us, is the future of financial services.

Technology has not only made transparency normalized through real-time product performance information, it has also put the investment costs into plain site. This level of transparency goes hand-in-hand with trusting a financial advisor because when the investor clearly understands what they are paying for, the value of the relationship becomes more evident.

If you didn’t know how much you paid for a gallon of milk, how could you determine if it was a good deal?

All clients should know what every investment costs in order to determine if the performance exceeds that cost. This is a radical concept only for financial services and nowhere else. But we believe that investors deserve better. And with more investors prioritizing transparency, the old guard in finance is in for a rude awakening.

With technology at the core of our business model we can focus on being efficient regarding client needs and correspondence. Clients have real-time access to information when they want it, and don’t have to rely on in-person meetings to receive information. In other words, the investment management aspect of the relationship can be monitored anytime the client wants to do so. As a result, our client meetings focus more on the true value that we bring to the client: financial planning.

This simple dynamic allows us to focus more on providing advice, which is really how a client benefits from a financial advisor anyway.

We welcome your inquiry on how technology has advanced our business model and what that means for you as a client.